Monday, November 17, 2008


A fourth grade podcast. For students, done by students.

I really enjoyed listening to this podcast this week.  It is very similar to what I have my own students do weekly.  This HooverPodcast is students teaching students via podcasting.  It is a great retelling tool for students to use.  The 4th grade students in this class actually taught concepts in each subject.  The majority of them were 7-10 minutes long.  I really like the idea of teaching more of the concepts.  Currently my students are recapping events and major ideas that we studied during the week.  I think the next time around  I will have them go into more details on each subject area.  The only problem we have on doing this is finding the time.  Right now 3-4 of my students conduct the podcast broadcast Friday mornings and it takes about 10-15 minutes.  However, now that each of them have experiences making a podcast I will be more comforatble on adding more details and expanding their newscast. 

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